😃 passing the regulations test in the shortest time100% passing in the 1403 and 1402 regulations examTo pass the first exam, download the regulations🚗 Get a certificate with the application of the three-way regulations test and get familiar with the rules.1403 bylaw questions and 1402 bylaw questions📑 A collection of dozens of sample questions of the main regulations test and the preliminary regulations test📊 Categorized tests📈 view the final report card and test result📈 Save test resultsAdvanced report cardFamiliarity with traffic signs🛠 Car technical trainingFeatures of the program🔰 Classified training of driving signs(Warning boards, police boards, news boards, local boardsFamiliarity with the concept of colors and shapes in traffic signs🔰 Training and familiarization with car technical content🔰 Learning how to drive for the city driving test🔰 Getting to know the types of certificates (level 3 certificate, level 2 certificate, level 1 certificate and special certificate)Familiarity with different types of insurance